Do you know what Movember is?

Movember (November) is a month dedicated to raising awareness of Men’s Health issues including testicular cancer, prostate cancer and men’s mental health.

In the UK, suicide is the leading cause of death in Male’s under 40. Lots of men feel that speaking out about their mental health is a sign of weakness and that is simply not true. Everyone has mental health, just like they have physical health, and only through speaking about it, will any of us be able to deal with it.

Emotions are complicated and they can be difficult to navigate on your own, so it is important to talk about them! Having difficult conversations are lifesaving, and it is important that people know they can talk to you if they are struggling.

This November why not reach out and check on your pals. You never know what’s going on behind closed doors, so check in and see how folk are getting on.

As the quote says, ‘a problem shared, is a problem halved’.


For more information on any of the topics covered visit:

Health & Wellbeing, Mental Health
13th Nov 2020